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New Generation 3 WiFi panel heaters with easy control and connection

Are you one of those people who steers clear of smart gadgets fearing they will make more mess in everyday life than making it easier?

Mill is now launching WiFi panel heaters that are super easy to control from your mobile. The heater connects to your WiFi network automatically via Bluetooth, which makes this process seamless and easy, no matter what type of router you have. The app is also the most user-friendly heating app on the market according to customer score in Google Play and the App Store.

« It does not get easier that this; to achieve the right temperature at all times, and at the same time reduce power consumption. » 

Bashir Naimy – IOT Manager, Mill

WiFi panel heaters are not just another cool « smart-home-gimmick », they have a great value as they will save both you and the environment from unnecessary power consumption. With smart heaters, you can actually reduce the electricity consumption for heating by as much as 32% . Heating accounts for over 60% of a household’s electricity consumption, so there is a lot to save by automatically lowering the temperature while you are away or when you sleep . *

PID control

The new Mill WiFi generation 3 panel heaters come with a completely new and revolutionary technology that makes it even easier to achieve optimal everyday comfort. These are the first and only heaters with PID control (proportional – integrated – derivative) heating technology, which provides the most stable temperature in the room. When the desired temperature is reached, the heater will maintain this temperature by lowering the power level.

« Mill WiFi panel heaters thus provide a more stable heating with less temperature fluctuations than traditional heaters »

says Naimy

Predictive heating

The heaters are also equipped with a new function called « predictive heating » which means that the heater knows exactly when to start heating the home, so that you get home to the desired temperature at the time you have registered in the app. The heater analyzes the room and learns how fast or slow the room goes up and down in temperature over time. This means that you no longer have to guess the timing of when the heater should start heating. If, for example, you want 23 degrees in the home when you get home from work at 4 pm. You only register in the app that you want 23 degrees at 4 pm and the heater is fixing the rest.

In addition to these unique features, upgrading both hardware and software has made it possible to improve the connection process, so that it is easy for anyone to connect the heaters to WiFi, regardless of the type of router you have.

The panel heaters come in the two well-known designs; Mill Invisible which with its unique rounded shape flows in one with the wall, almost invisible. And Mill Glass which with its exclusive and elegant design complements any modern home. New this autumn is the Mill Invisible panel oven in a beautiful soft black color that fits perfectly in homes and cottages with a darker color palette.

Additional features in Mill Generation 3 WiFi panel heaters

100% quiet operation due to silicon control – no clicking sound when the temperature goes up and down.

Child lock – for safe use

Commercial lock for landlords

Open window function that switches off the heater automatically when a window is opened.

Touch screen on the control panel of the heater

Local Res API – control the heaters with your own smarthome solution

Possibility to let the air quality sensor Mill Sense override the heater’s temperature sensor – which provides more precise temperature control

*Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, SenSys 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, November 3-5, 2010
**Sintef Energiforskning AS